The mother-to-be rarely lacks supplies by the time the baby arrives. Several weeks before the baby's birth, she receives all the typical baby shower gifts such as infant's clothing, diapers, bottles, pacifiers, room monitors and several books about pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. The grandmother-to-be might wish to give her expectant daughter a unique gift that outlasts all the rest. Give her the gift of memories.
Frame For A Generation Photo
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Give your expectant daughter a special photo frame with two photo windows. If you have a photo of the two of you together the day of her birth, place it in the left photo window. Leave the second window for her special photo with her new baby on the day of the baby's birth. If a photo is not available, place something else of significant sentimental value from her infancy in the left window and leave the second window available for her to do the same. Another option is a photo frame with several windows. If possible, place photos of your grandmother, your mother, you and your daughter into the frame. Leave the last window empty for the photo of her new baby.
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An Evening Out With Mom After the Baby Arrives

As your baby prepares to give birth to her baby, prepare to share an evening with her after the baby arrives. Treat her to a night out with her mom. Share an evening out that includes a nice dinner, a movie, a manicure, a pedicure, a message or any combination of them all. A night out with mom will allow her to have a little time away from the baby and perhaps ask questions and share her feelings about her new state of motherhood.
Little Book of Advice

Share your experiences with your daughter. Purchase a small journal with blank pages at a local stationery store. Think back to the times when you needed advice from your own mother. Categorize your thoughts and advice, and add tabs so that your daughter may find the answers she needs with ease. A little book of advice might save you from a few late night phone calls.
An Evening With Her Husband

Offer to take care of the new baby while your daughter and husband share a date together. After a new baby arrives, the new mom and the new dad become overwhelmed with taking care of the baby, and time alone together becomes rare. Give them a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant and tickets to the theater or another activity that they like to do together while you take care of the baby.