Camp Talent Show Ideas

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The camp talent show can be the highlight of many camp experiences with a good idea for the performance.

One memorable camp event for many campers and staff involves the camp talent show. Talent shows allow campers to stand out, feel special, show their abilities and glow in the attention of their peers. Campers and staff alike might like to try some new ideas when performing in their camp's talent show.


Song and Dance

Video of the Day

Select a popular song and choreograph a dance to go with it. You don't need to sing or play instruments, simply put the song on the loudspeaker and perform your dance. The audience will enjoy the dance if a group dances together and will also appreciate funny or amusing movements and costumes as part of the dance.


Video of the Day


Choose a monologue and perform it. You can find funny, serious and classic monologue pieces in libraries and on the Internet (see Resources). Choose a piece that you feel comfortable with and learn it well. Make sure that a friend waits in the wings to cue you if you forget a line. Doing a monologue demands a lot of memory. If you blank out for a moment, unless you have a backup, it may be hard to get back into the swing of the monologue.



Look at an Internet joke site or find a joke book in a library and choose some good jokes to tell at the talent show. Be sure that you practice the jokes in front of a few friends before you perform them in the talent show; the delivery can make or break the funniest joke. Let a staff person hear the jokes first to ensure that the material fits the audience (no inappropriate jokes).


Camp Lore

Think of some incidents that happened during the camp session, or recall traditional camp events. Create a skit that makes fun of these events in a lighthearted manner, such as morning reveille when campers can barely get out of bed, or eating camp food. Build your skit around these experiences that everyone in the audience understands. If you base a skit's character on a real person, make sure that you don't show that person in a mean or unpleasant light. Ensure that everything stays in a good-natured spirit.


references & resources