Traditional Christening Toasts

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Toasts to new babies at their christening follow a traditional pattern.

It's a great honor to be asked to give a toast at a baby's christening or baptism. Perhaps you are the godparent, standing to make a commitment to the child's spiritual upbringing, but you don't know what to say when you raise a glass at the celebration after the religious ceremony. There's nothing to worry about. Toasts at christenings and baptisms follow any of several traditional patterns, and if you keep these tips in mind, your toast will be a success.


Focus on the Gift

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A godparent traditionally gives a new christened or baptized baby a gift as well as making a toast
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A godparent traditionally gives a newly christened or baptized baby a gift as well as making a toast. Chances are, anyone asked to make a christening toast has chosen a special gift with the baby's future or your relationship with the parents in mind. Tell a story about the gift you're giving and why you chose it.

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Speak about the Parents

Speak about the parents as undoubtedly you have a significant history with the baby's parents
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It's hard to talk about your deeply meaningful relationship with a child who's just been born, but if you're the godparent and giving a christening toast, undoubtedly you have a significant history with the baby's parents. The godparent can talk about his relationship with the parents, about how they met, and about the kind of parents they will be. Talk also about the parents' influence on your own life and the influence you hope to be on the newly christened baby's life.


Toast the Child's Extended Family

Toast the child's extended family
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A christening often brings together members of the baby's extended family, with relatives from both parents' sides of the family making a trip for the special occasion. The godparent making the speech should ask the parents whom they might want to toast. Traditionally, family members are honored in the toast, often by saying how lucky this child is to born into such a family. You can also highlight the roles special relatives might play in the child's life. Make sure to add a special mention of any siblings who may or may not be excited to have a new little brother or sister, but who will certainly enjoy being called out by name.


Raise a Glass to the Baby's Future

Toast to the baby's future
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When a baby is christened, his whole life stretches before him. No one at the christening knows what he may become or what will happen to him, but everyone present at the special celebration stands with the family as the new child starts his life. A great christening toast looks to the future and beckons everyone present to make sure the child is loved and cared for throughout his life, and to be a part of helping him become what he was meant to be.

