Since the 1960s, Mod Podge sealer and finisher has been a staple in the crafter's closet. Using Mod Podge does not take great skill and can change the appearance of nearly anything. Mod Podge isn't just for paper; you can use it on pictures or drawings to make them look like paintings, or add accessories to a pillow or shirt. Sparkles and shines differ from each type of Mod Podge as well.
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To start making your pinata, use a balloon for your mold. To keep the balloon in place, set the balloon in a slightly smaller bowl. Apply Mod Podge to the area of the balloon you are working on first. Apply torn paper to the Mod Podge area, leaving a small space at the bottom for inserting candy into the finished pinata. Wrap a string around the first layer of paper so you can hang your finished pinata. Apply more Mod Podge and a second layer of paper. Let this layer dry thoroughly, then add one or two more layers of paper and Mod Podge. After the last layer has completely dried, decorate your new pinata with paper, paints and other accessories.
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Picture Frame
Personalizing a picture frame for you, a friend or a relative gives you the opportunity to be creative and add a personal touch to your gifts. Mod Podge will adhere to just about anything, so you can use a new frame, a wooden frame or a frame you have around the house. Paint the frame the color you want it to be and after it has dried, apply Mod Podge evenly over the entire frame. Place the paper, pictures or sayings where you would like them on the frame. Apply another coat of Mod Podge to the frame and let it dry completely.
Fabric Mod Podge helps you make new pillows or just redesign your own. If you are using an old or store bought pillow, take the stuffing out and set it aside. Apply the fabric Mod Podge to the back of the the pillow side you are using. From a different fabric piece, cut out your desired design. Apply the fabric Mod Podge to the back of the cut out and press it firmly to the pillow, smoothing out any rough edges. When you have completed the design, stuff the pillow and sew up the edge.