Jewelry can get really dirty, and store bought jewelry cleaners can be super harsh on pieces, causing them to dull over time. This DIY natural jewelry cleaner is easy to make and will safely clean your baubles without the use of harsh chemicals. You only need a few items from your pantry to make it and get your jewelry clean in less than 20 minutes!
Video: DIY Natural Jewelry Cleaner
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Things You'll Need
1 Tbsp. of baking soda
1 Tbsp. of salt
1 Tbsp. of dish liquid
1 cup of warm water

1. Prep the cleaning solution
Place foil in the bottom of a bowl.

Add one cup of warm water.

Add rest of ingredients to the bowl and mix well.

2. Soak the jewelry
Add jewelry pieces and let soak for 10 to 15 minutes.

3. Scrub the jewelry
Give each piece a gentle scrub using a toothbrush.

4. Rinse in water
Rinse jewelry in a bowl of cold water.

5. Let dry
Place the jewelry on a cloth to dry.