The Best Grass for Southwest Florida

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Bermuda grass is common on southwest Florida golf courses.

Compared to many parts of the country that have more moderate weather, the grasses in southwest Florida need to be able to withstand high heat and plenty of sun. In areas near the Gulf of Mexico, they often need to tolerate soils that may contain some salt. The warm-weather grasses in this area tend to be durable and established from both seed and sod.



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Bermuda is one of the most common of the warm-season grasses. It is found in both tropical and subtropical zones, including the southwestern part of Florida. Often found on golf courses as well as other sports fields, Bermudagrass spreads quickly and is good for filling in areas with patches. It can withstand extreme heat and full sun. It is also durable and can handle heavy foot traffic. Bermudagrass is resistant to drought and can be grown from both seed and sod. Bermudagrass can tolerate soil with salt, making it a good choice for areas along the Gulf of Mexico.

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Centipede is a warm-weather grass that does not require soil rich in nutrients to grow. It prefers a full and hot sun, and does not do as well in shaded areas. It is a slow-growing grass with a medium texture. It will overtake other grasses in the area with time. Centipedegrass produces a thick turf and is often used on lawns in the southern states. Because of its density, it tends to be weed-free. Centipedegrass does not require a lot of maintenance. Another plus is that it is generally resistant to insects and diseases. It can be grown from both seed and sprigs.



Carpetgrass is versatile, having the ability to tolerate both hot-and cold-weather conditions. Often found inland in states along the Gulf of Mexico, it prefers full sun and has the ability to tolerate a lot of traffic. A perennial grass, it prefers wet soil and is not good at tolerating drought because its short roots make it difficult to draw water from below the ground's surface. Its blades have a coarse feel and form a thick and dense turf. It does not require a lot of maintenance. Carpetgrass is grown from either seeds or sprigs.


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