Disadvantages of Radiant Ceiling Panels

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Radiant ceiling panels provide a different means for heating a home. Installed in the ceiling and designed to look like a ceiling, they produce heat in lieu of traditional heating methods such as a heat pump or oil furnace. The panels do not require a duct system, are dust free and warm up faster than other heating methods. They do have disadvantages that must be weighed against the advantages.


No Cooling Feature

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Radiant ceiling panels provide heat for a residence but do not offer a cooling option. The homeowner must, therefore, provide another source for cooling. If the owner chooses a traditional air conditioning system then a duct system has to be installed, thus negating many of the benefits of the radiant ceiling panels.


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Uneven Heat

Unlike other heating systems which can reach a constant temperature throughout a room, radiant ceiling panels produce more heat directly below the panel. A person experiences the difference which amounts to several degrees as he moves in the room away from the panel. Also with the heat produced at the ceiling instead of the floor the room can appear to be cool at the lower levels, causing a sensation of only having the top of the body heated.


Operating Costs

The expense of operating the radiant ceiling panel system can be both an advantage and disadvantage. If properly monitored, the panels can save energy costs. Electric heat, however, costs more in general. Because the panels have a short warm up time, every time a person leaves a room and does not intend to return for a period of time, the panels should be turned off. This requires the person to always remember to do so. If the panels are left on while the room remains unoccupied then the system will be a disadvantage as to costs.

