Utah is a large Western state with a diverse climate. It is a desert state; plants in Utah should be drought tolerant and low maintenance. Summers are warm and pleasant, and winters see snow frequently but the temperature usually does not get terribly cold. A variety of perennial plants thrive in Utah and are good options for your own garden or landscape.
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Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a hardy perennial plant that is drought tolerant and does well in Utah gardens. Yarrow is found in a variety of different colors, including red, white, pink, yellow and several pastel colors. It is part of the daisy flower family. Yarrow needs full sun to thrive. Water it regularly when first planted. After it is established, it requires little care and can survive just on rainwater. However, during long periods of no rain, some watering is advised.
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Snow-in-Summer (Cerastium tomentosum) is another drought-tolerant perennial plant that grows well in Utah. It blooms attractive white flowers in the late spring and during summer. The flowers look somewhat like snow, hence the plant's name. After the flowers die, cut them off so they grow well next season. Even without the white flowers, snow-in-summer is an attractive plant. Give the plant a thorough, deep watering every two weeks after you plant it. It is a popular groundcover perennial.
Shasta Daisy
Shasta Daisy (Chrysanthemum maximum) has been a popular Utah perennial plant for generations of Utah residents. Shasta daisies grow anywhere from 6 inches to 2 feet tall. They live for a long time with proper care; water them deeply every two weeks. Shasta daisies bloom white flowers throughout most of the summer.
Purple Coneflower
Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is a hardy, drought-tolerant perennial plant that is native to the Midwestern states. The plant can survive with very little watering or just rainwater; give it a deep watering about once a month. The plant produces purple flowers that look like daisies during the latter half of summer.