706 International Farmall Tractor Specs

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The 1960s saw new innovations in tractors.

The Farmall 706 was introduced by International Harvester (IH) in 1963, continuing in production until 1967. Selling a total of 46,146 vehicles, IH placed a sticker price of $6,100 on this tractor in 1967. As John Deere became much more competitive, IH stepped up its own improvements. The 706 innovation over the previous Farmall models was an updated Torque Amplifier design allowing the operator greater control on downward slopes.



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The Farmall 706 had several engine designs during its production period.

The engine for the 706 appeared in several incarnations. All share common properties. For example, they all run on six cylinders, the stroke of which averages at 4.39 inches. In addition, cylinder firing order is constant at 1-5-3-6-2-4. Moreover each design has a liquid cooling system and a work capacity of 89 horsepower. They all hold 9 quarts of oil, as well, though the compatible grade of oil varies. Finally, they share a measure of 2,300 in crankshaft revolutions per minute. The differentiating factors begin with the type of fuel used, the earlier engines running on diesel, the latter on both gasoline and liquid petroleum (LP). Likewise, total fuel capacities diverge, with the diesel models operating with a maximum of 33 gallons and the gas and LP versions capping out at 39 gallons.


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Powerful transmissions are needed in agricultural equipment.

The 706 transmission is sliding gear but has a Torque Amplifier (TA), possessing a hydraulic under-drive pulley. This feature serves as a check against undesirable momentum, particularly when declining on sloped surfaces. Normally utilizing eight forward gears and four for reverse, when the TA is activated the number of available gears double respectively. The TA has a separate lever, and is engaged when pulled back completely.


General Information

The Farmall 706 was designed for sloping farmland.

This tractor was manufactured in two-wheel drive (2WD), four-wheel drive (4WD) and high clearance (Hi-Clear) adaptations. The wheelbase measures at 97.5 inches for 2WD, 94.75 inches for 4WD and 102 inches for Hi-Clear. Varying only between the 2WD and 4WD, the turn radii are 9.3 feet and 16.3 feet respectively. Dimensionally, the tractor runs lengths of 157 inches (2WD), 161 inches (4WD) and 162 inches (Hi-Clear). The operating weight of the Farmall 706 differs according to the engine used, yet falls in a range of 8,285 and 9,160 lbs., clearing the ground at 17 inches high. Diesel engines require two batteries of 6 volts, while engines compatible with gasoline and LP use one battery of 12 volts. In terms of duration between charges, the 6-volt batteries last 130 hours, whereas the 12-volt batteries require recharge after 60.


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