Birthday Gifts for a 63-Year-Old Man

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Nostalgic candy from his childhood era is perfect for a 63-year-old man's birthday gift.

Many people find it difficult to shop for an older man's birthday gift; searching for that perfect gift for a 63-year-old man is no different. Whether your intended gift is meant to be memorable or humorous, give yourself plenty of time before the event to search for a remarkable gift. From a candy basket to supplies for his favorite hobby, use your imagination to help make his 63rd birthday celebration one he will remember for years to come.


Candy Basket

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Fill a candy basket with candies popular when he was a little boy. Many candy retailers sell popular candies and candy bars from decades ago. Your guest of honor will enjoy getting to see and eat the same candy he loved as a child. Some popular nostalgic candies that a 63-year-old might remember include atomic fireballs, root beer barrels, Charleston chews, red vines and long boys.

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As men get older, they tend to find a hobby to keep themselves busy. Fill a gift basket full of items for his current hobby. If he enjoys painting, fill a wicker basket with paints, paintbrushes, paper, inks, and watercolor and sketch paper. For a man who enjoys woodworking, consider gifting him items like a jigsaw, set square, chisel, saw and saw horse.


Humorous Gifts

For a 63-year-old man with a sense of humor, give him gifts that will give him a chuckle. Wrap up a box set of his favorite television show series or a special edition of his favorite comedy movie. Other humorous gifts include over-the-hill gifts, gag gifts and senior moment gifts. Make sure that your recipient has a sense of humor regarding his upcoming birthday before purchasing such items, though; otherwise, you might end up offending him.


Music CD

If you know his favorite songs or artists, create a music compilation that features them. He will enjoy having all of his favorite songs together in one place instead of having to dig through several CDs. Be sure to include songs he might have enjoyed as a child as well as more contemporary hits. Other songs to put on his CD include songs used on his wedding day.


Memorable Gifts

Give him memorable gifts from his past. These types of gifts can include a framed magazine cover from the year he was born or the year he graduated high school. Another memorable gift idea is to collect all of his old home videotapes and have them converted to DVDs.


Photo books also make perfect memorable gifts for men in their 60s. Gather pictures from his childhood and throughout his life and place them into a photo or scrap book. Create a page for each year or decade of his life; on each page include news clippings of current events that were happening during those years. These will bring back memories for that special 63-year-old man in your life.


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