Making crepe paper flowers has become popular again as a way to create unique and economical decorations for special occasions as well as for use in weddings. In the early 1900s families who did not have real flowers available designed their own patterns based on common flowers they saw. Our templates make it easy for any crafter to create some of the most beautiful flowers popular today. You will find a link to the templates for this project under Resources at the end of this slideshow.

This wildflower pattern can be used for many types of flowers by simply changing colors and sizes. Form the center as a button stamen and surround it with a layer of fringe. Place the petals one at a time, add a leaf, and you are ready to attract attention.
Related: Template for Wildflower

Calla Lily
The calla lily is a stunning flower often used in weddings. This pattern makes it easy to create a bouquet for your home or wedding. The center is a pipe cleaner wrapped in floral tape. Garden ties, which are thicker than most floral wires, work well for the stem.
Related: Template for Cally Lilly

What could be more traditional than a daisy? To make this simple flower, start with a button center and then add petals in a strip cut from crepe paper. Crepe paper sheets are necessary to create these lovely flowers, as crepe paper streamers are not wide enough.
Related: Template for Daisy

With just a little extra effort, you can make a hibiscus in any color. Wrap a pipe cleaner in colored duct tape to create the stamen, then place each petal with floral tape. After assembling the flower, paint the center with watercolors--just a few strokes of added color make a world of difference.

The old-fashioned iris is simple and fun to make using this pattern. You can be creative with the color combinations and techniques to color the paper. Try dipping the crepe paper in bleach or food coloring; some types of crepe paper will fade in plain water.
Related: Template for Iris

Star Lily
The star lily is another showy flower requiring a little extra effort. To start, cut petals out of pink crepe paper. Darken the pink petals in the center with watercolors. When dry, add a layer of white watercolor to the outer edge of the petals. When that layer is dry, add the dark pink spots.
Related: Template for Star Lily

The daffodil is a favorite spring flower which comes in a variety of color combinations. Make the stamen from twisted crepe paper. To achieve the tipped look often found on these early spring flowers, dip the finished "bell" in food coloring.
Related: Template for Daffodil

The pansy is another early spring flower which comes in a beautiful variety of colors. Start with a button center and add the petals one at a time. Color the center with watercolors or permanent markers to create the distinctive markings that identify the pansy as one of the iconic spring flowers.
Related: Template for Pansy

The peony is a traditional flower which varies in color from white to pale pink to vibrant magenta. This pattern uses various sizes of petals to create the beautiful full blossoms that make the peony a stunning flower. Start with a button center and add petals one at a time.
Related: Template for Peony
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