65th Birthday Ideas

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Celebrate 65 in style!
Image Credit: Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

A 65th birthday should be a special event. By the time most people reach this age they haven't had a birthday party in years. It's a perfect occasion to celebrate in style and perhaps even have the party themed or somehow planned around the 65th year of life.


Gift Ideas for a 65th Birthday

Video of the Day

Make a playlist of songs from the year that the birthday boy or girl was born.
Image Credit: Ryan McVay/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Some great ideas for a 65th birthday party include a CD of the most popular songs from the year that the birthday boy or girl was born. Another fun idea may be to have the front page of a newspaper printed on the day the honoree was born and then frame it as a gift. If the birthday boy or girl has a favorite food or candy, give 65 of whatever it is. Have each guest bring enough small gifts to equal 65.


Video of the Day


Create a meaningful memento.
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It's often hard to find the right gift for mature adults as they age as they already seem to have everything they need. Focus instead on giving them a meaningful memento of the occasion. Send out a letter or email to all of the friends and family of the birthday boy or girl and ask them to write down a few of their favorite memories that they shared with this person. When you receive them all have them bound and made into a book called "Your First 65 Years: As Recalled by Your Family and Friends" and present it to the honoree on the big day.


Ask family and friends to share photos of the person being honored. You can create an album or use a photo program on your computer to create a video with highlights of a lifetime.

Party Ideas

Give a dinner party and invite friends and family of the birthday boy or girl.
Image Credit: Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

Give a dinner party and invite friends and family of the birthday boy or girl. You could give this at your home or the home of a friend or you could rent out a reception hall and have it catered, depending on your budget. If you have the space, consider getting a DJ to play music that would be a "soundtrack of the life" of the person you wish to celebrate.


Throw a surprise party. Invite the honoree's close friends and family to attend, get a cake and ice cream, and if the honoree doesn't mind being silly, even get party favors and a piñata. Play some classic birthday party games such as pin the tail on the donkey. It is never too late to have a classic birthday party that will have everyone laughing.


A party store will have plenty of decorations just for a 65th birthday party. You can get banners, balloons, table centerpieces, and even plates and napkins that have the number 65 on them.

