How Long Does it Take to Grill Salmon Burgers?

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Salmon burgers are a healthy and delicious alternative to the traditional beef hamburger. Salmon is a versatile fish and can be mixed with a variety of flavorings. Fresh herbs, teriyaki sauce or barbecue sauce are all perfect seasonings for your salmon burger. Correctly grilling the burgers, however, can be tricky, because ground salmon will cook differently than ground beef.


Using a Charcoal Grill

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To grill a perfect salmon burger that is juicy, flaky and slightly crunchy, the grill should be heated to the proper temperature. Make a pyramid with about 20 pieces of coal. Use lighter fluid or a fire starter to light the coals. Cover your grill once the fire is burning well, and leave the coals to smolder for about 45 minutes. The coals are ready when they are all white and gray with a slightly visible red glow. Spread the coals out and place the grate on the grill. Gently place your salmon burgers in the middle. Cover the grill. For rare burgers, cook for four minutes on each side. To achieve a medium burger, cook for five minutes on each side. For well done burgers, six to seven minutes on each side. Flip the burgers only once, and do not open the grill until you are ready to flip them.

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Using a Gas Grill

The cooking time for a gas grill will be slightly less than for a charcoal grill because the temperature will be displayed right on the grill. Preheat your gas grill on high. Adjust until the temperature reaches 350°F. Gently place your salmon burgers onto the grill grate. For rare burgers, cook for three minutes on each side. Medium, four to five minutes on each side. For well done burgers, six minutes on each side. Flip the burgers only once, and do not move the burgers while they are grilling.


Testing the Burgers

Salmon burgers are done when the outside is lightly browned with darker stripes from the grill grate. The outside should be slightly crispy, and the inside should be slightly pink but not mushy. The meat should be tender and flaky with a moist center. Salmon burgers are best when they are cooked medium rare, for about four to five minutes on each side.


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