A couple's 25th wedding anniversary is a milestone celebration that requires a party. The couple's children usually plan the silver anniversary party, which includes party games. Here are a few ideas to make a silver wedding anniversary party a memorable and entertaining event.
Newlywed Game
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This game involves couples married five or more years. After the couples are rounded up, husbands are separated from their wives. Ask the wives questions while their husbands are out of the room. Have fun--ask silly questions that will liven up the party but refrain from awkward questions that will ruffle marital feathers. Ask about favorite foods, where the couple met or about a favorite TV show or a pet peeve. After the wives answer the questions, bring out the husbands and ask them the same questions. See if the answers match up. Then, it's the husbands' turn to see how much knowledge they have of their wives. This game should provide laughs for the party crowd.
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What Did it Cost?

The idea behind this silver anniversary party game is to ask guests the cost of items at the time of the couple's wedding. Collaboration and team work could be an option. Couples can be asked anything from the cost of milk or gasoline to the price of a car or college tuition. Researching can be tough for this game and will be time-consuming, but the end results can have couples chatting and comparing how much items have risen over the years. The winning couple or person is the one who answers the most correct questions or comes the closest with his answer.
Guess Who I Am

This game's aim is to get couples to mingle at your 25th anniversary party. It is a sure way to get older and younger couples mixing and brings back memories for older couples. Pin pictures of famous movie stars or personalities to the backs of couples, including some from the year the couple was married. Guests walk around and ask questions like, "Is the person a movie star?" or "Is the person a man?" They have to be yes or no questions. Eventually someone will figure out who his celebrity is.
Pass the Gift

This party activity involves the unknown. Wrap a "cheeky" prize such as fluffy handcuffs or a plastic ball and chain in several layers. In each layer place a novelty item or a dare written on a piece of paper. Have the guests sit in a circle. Start music and pass the gift around. When the music stops, the guest holding the gift must unwrap a layer. The guest takes the item or goes for the dare. The music starts again and the game goes on until the "big" prize at the end is revealed.