West Virginia enjoys a climate that varies from the humid and subtropical to temperate and generally has mild winters in the lower-elevation areas of the state. The state is in the U.S.Department of Agriculture's hardiness zones 5b to 7a, and you can plant vegetables in the ground, in beds or in containers in early spring across the state after the last frost has passed in the area. Summer and fall plantings are also possible in many of regions.
Seasonal Planting Range
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Planting a vegetable garden is often thought of as a rite of spring and early summer. In West Virginia, with its many mild climate zones, the planting season is broader and later-summer planting as well as fall planting can extend the growing and harvest seasons.
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You can begin early-spring planting after the last frost has passed, which can be as early as March in some areas of the state. Planting some crops such as beans, squash and cucumbers can continue through late September and early October or later if the vegetable's growth cycle will conclude before the first hard frost in your area.
In some of the warmer low-lying parts of the state in the south, this can mean a lush fall vegetable garden that is nearly as prolific as the spring garden.
Spring, Summer & Fall Planting
Immediately after the last frost in spring till and amend your vegetable garden soil and be ready to plant ssparagus, carrots, snap and lima beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, lettuces, onions, peas, peppers, zucchini, summer squash, and tomatoes.
Late summer and fall planting is a perfect time to seed a second and third harvest of spring planted vegetables including cucumbers, lima beans, lettuce, beets, green snap beans and squash.
Later summer and fall planted vegetables can be grown specifically for preserving and freezing for use over the winter. Some ideal candidates for preserving are beans of all kinds, spinach, pickling cucumbers, beets, carrots, celery and turnips.