Strap Wrench Instructions

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Turning a pipe can be a frustrating experience. Most wrenches fail to hold their grip and slip continuously without ever moving the pipe. The strap wrench is a handy tool that is used to turn thin wall and thick wall conduit. When turning a smooth surface (such as a pipe), it is hard to place enough pressure onto the pipe to turn it. With the strap wrench, you can get the pressure and leverage you need to turn materials that would otherwise be nearly impossible to move.


The Strap Wrench Explained

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The strap wrench is a curved handle with a strap secured on one side. It has as adjacent slot towards the head of the handle that is used to lace the strap through to hold it. The strap is wrapped around the item that you are turning and laced back through the adjacent hole. When using a strap wrench, place it closest to the area that you are trying to turn. It is not necessary to hold the strap, as the handle will pinch the strap and keep it from slipping. There are two basic types of grips. If you are trying one type of grip and it isn't working very well, try the other grip.

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Grip One

The first grip is the simplest one. For a right-hand turn, place the handle on the left side of the pipe. Where the strap comes out of the handle, place it against the pipe. Loop the strap around the pipe and pull it back through the handle in the adjacent slot. Fold the strap over the head of the handle while you bring the handle around to the right side of the pipe. You can now tighten the strap and apply pressure to turn it.


Grip Two

The second grip is a little trickier. Take the strap and place it through the handle in the adjacent slot. For a right-hand turn, place the handle on the left side of the pipe. Loop the strap around the pipe and lace it back through the handle in the adjacent slot. Fold the strap over the head of the handle while you bring the handle around to the right side of the pipe. Tighten the strap and apply pressure to turn it.

