Tips on Pool Covers in Windy Areas

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The summer's over. You are getting ready to close your pool. This year is different. You recently purchased a new pool cover because the old one was destroyed by the wind, rain and other elements. Using a pool cover in an area where the winds and other elements are strong is challenging. Your pool's cover is there to protect your pool. You must protect the cover by securing it properly on the pool so the wind won't take it away.


Above-Ground Pool Covers

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To secure a pool cover on an above-ground pool, make sure the cable and winch attached to the pool cover is secure and tight. A faulty cable and winch can break and release. Wind can then easily blow the cover off. If the cable and winch is old, replace it. For added pool protection, use pool clips along the railing of the pool to hold the pool cover tightly in place.


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Also, place sandbags or coffee cans filled with sand around the edges of your above-ground pool to help with holding the pool cover down. If you are worried about the appearance or sandbags or coffee cans around your pool, only place them around the pool's edges when a storm is approaching or weather reports warn of a storm coming.


If sandbags or coffee cans filled with sand is not an option, put the pool cover on your above-ground pool and fill the top with 200 to 300 gallons of water. This is about 10 minutes worth of water from your water hose. The water will spread out and keep the cover in place.

In-Ground Pool Covers

In-ground pool covers are slightly easier to install because you don't have a cable and winch. To secure the cover, place several sandbags or coffee cans filled with sand around the edges of the pool to help with holding cover in place. Make sure you have enough sandbags or coffee cans filled with sand to cover the entire perimeter of the pool's cover.


If you don't like the appearance of the sandbags or coffee cans, fill the top of the pool cover with 200 to 300 gallons of water from your water hose. This is about 10 minutes worth of water. The water will spread out and keep the in-ground pool cover in place.


Check the condition of your pool's cover before putting it in place. Replace/repair the cover if any rips or tears are present. Do not store sharp objects on top of your pool cover. Try to keep leaves and debris off the cover and check the pool cover regularly for damage.


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