Things You'll Need
For Clear Spray Starch:
Distilled water
Measuring cups and spoons
Spray bottle
Potato vodka
Lemon juice or essential oil
For Opaque Spray Starch:
Distilled water
Measuring cups and spoons
Spray bottle
Essential oil or lemon juice
Funnel (optional)

Liquid starch creates crisp seams when you iron clothes. Liquid starch also gives paper or fabric craft projects such as paper snowflakes or a quilt more body if you want to hang the craft on the wall or from the ceiling. Mix liquid starch yourself for pennies a bottle by using items that are probably already in your pantry. Add a clear juice or essential oil if you wish to add a pleasant smell to your clothing or craft.
Clear Spray Starch
Step 1

Pour 1.5 cups of distilled water into a plastic spray bottle. Distilled water ensures that there are no minerals in the water that would eventually clog holes in your steam iron.
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Step 2

Add 1.5 ounces of potato vodka to the spray bottle. Any brand is fine.
Step 3

Add 2 teaspoons of concentrated lemon juice or 6 to 8 drops of your favorite essential oil to the bottle. This adds a fresh fragrance to the mixture. If you don't want any scent to the starch, skip this step. For a faint scent, add less of the juice or oil; increase the amount for a stronger smell. Suggested essential oils are lavender for something relaxing, a mint for something that boosts your energy or citronella to deter insects in the summer.
Step 4

Screw on the sprayer bottle lid and shake vigorously. If you use an essential oil, shake again if you see oil pooling on the top of the water. If the oil continues to pool at the top, add one small drop of liquid detergent to break up the oil and prevent it from clumping together.
Opaque Starch Spray
Step 1

Place 1 cup of distilled water in a cooking pot and set it on the stove to boil.
Step 2

Mix together 3 teaspoons of water and 1 tablespoon of corn starch in a small cup. Stir vigorously until the corn starch dissolves in the water.
Step 3

Add the corn starch and water mix to the boiling water. Stir while the mixture boils until the liquid is opaque.
Step 4

Add a few drops of essential oil or lemon juice if desired to add a light scent to the starch.
Step 5

Allow the liquid to cool before pouring it into a plastic sprayer bottle.
Step 6

Shake the bottle before use, as the starch can separate from the water over time.
The alcohol-based starch and does not separate in storage or clog your sprayer. It does not grow mold or mildew over time and can be stored in the pantry. Liquid starch made with corn starch will eventually separate out and needs to be shaken before you use it. Store it in the refrigerator if you will not use all of it within 30 days. If it remains in the refrigerator for longer than two months, discard and make a fresh batch.
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