DIY "Poopy Diaper" Dessert Cups

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Looking for a sweet treat that will gross out your guests this Halloween? Look no further! These dessert cups might look like they stink, but don't be deceived — they're actually brownies topped with pudding and chocolate kisses. We guarantee these dessert cups will be a number 1 (or should we say, number 2) hit at your Halloween party!


Image Credit: Miaira Jennings & Dianne Roquia

Video of the Day

Things You'll Need

  • Brownie mix

  • Chocolate pudding

  • Chocolate kisses

  • Small bowls

  • Diapers

Image Credit: Miaira Jennings & Dianne Roquia

Step 1: Bake & Cut Brownies

Bake the brownies according to the instructions on the box. Once the brownies have cooled, cut them into equal squares.


Image Credit: Miaira Jennings & Dianne Roquia

Step 2: Add Brownies to Bowls

Scoop the brownies into your small bowls. Make sure the brownies sit at an angle to leave room for the next step.


Image Credit: Miaira Jennings & Dianne Roquia

Step 3: Top with Pudding and Chocolate Kisses

Scoop chocolate pudding into the bowl on top of the brownie. Smooth it out using a spoon. Top the pudding with chocolate kisses.


Image Credit: Miaira Jennings & Dianne Roquia

Step 4: Wrap Bowls with Diapers

Place the bowls in the middle of an unfolded diaper. Fold up the sides of the diaper and use the adhesive spots to wrap it around the edge of the bowls.


Image Credit: Miaira Jennings & Dianne Roquia

Step 5: Display and Enjoy!

Place your bowls on a table with some decorations for your guests to enjoy!


Image Credit: Miaira Jennings & Dianne Roquia
