Sometimes, there just isn't enough time in the day to get all of your cleaning finished, or maybe you have guests coming over, and your kitchen is a mess. These quick and easy cleaning hacks will show you how to speed-clean your kitchen in nine steps! Bonus: You probably already have everything you need to get your kitchen clean in your pantry.
1. Make an all-purpose cleaning spray
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Things You'll Need
1 cup water
1 tsp. Castile soap or dish liquid
20 drops orange essential oil (optional)
Spray bottle
Pour the ingredients into a glass or plastic spray bottle and shake well before each use. While the essential oil is optional, it turns this all-purpose cleaning spray into a mega cleaner that will lift grease and grime with ease, and it will leave your kitchen smelling amazing! If you don't have orange essential oil, you can substitute any other essential oil or add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
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If you use fresh lemon juice in this cleaning spray, please discard any unused cleaner within two weeks.

2. Wipe down appliances and countertops
Spray a damp cleaning cloth or Swedish dishcloth with your cleaning spray and quickly wipe down your small appliances and countertops. Rinse and wring out your cleaning cloth after wiping down each item. Swedish dishcloths are great for cleaning and can be washed and reused over and over again.

3. Clean your microwave the easy way
Fill a microwave-safe bowl with water and add a sliced lemon. Place the bowl in the microwave and cook on high for 5 minutes. DO NOT REMOVE! Leave the microwave closed and allow it to sit for at least 2 minutes so the lemons and water have time to steam and remove cooked-on foods.
Once the bowl has cooled, carefully use oven mitts or a towel to remove the bowl and discard the lemons and water. Use a clean cloth or paper towels to easily wipe down the inside of your microwave.
While the lemons and water are cooking and steaming, move on to another step and come back to this one once they are finished.

4. Shine stainless appliances with olive oil
Who knew olive oil could be used for cleaning? It's actually the best way to clean your stainless steel appliances and keep them streak-free for longer. Simply apply some olive oil to a clean cloth and wipe your appliances with it, wiping against the grain.
Once you've given your appliance a good rubdown, use another clean cloth to buff the appliance by wiping away any excess oil that is left behind. This will leave your stainless steel appliances sparkling and smudge-free.

5. Clean the stovetop with baking soda
Get your stovetop clean quickly by sprinkling a little baking soda on any areas with cooked-on food and gently scrub away streaks and stains using a scouring pad. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any residue.

6. Remove stains and odors from cutting boards
If your cutting boards are looking a little worn and stained, give them a quick clean using two kitchen staples: lemons and salt. Simply sprinkle your cutting board with kosher salt (you can use table salt if that's all you have). Cut a lemon in half and use it like a sponge to move the salt around the cutting board. The lemon acts as a stain remover, and the salt helps to scrub and remove any food that is in the grains of your board. Rinse it with a damp, clean cloth. This method can be used on wood and plastic cutting boards.

7. Clean and restore the sink with baking soda
Give your sink a refresher and remove any stains or scratches with a quick shake of baking soda. Simply sprinkle your sink liberally with baking soda and then use a scouring pad to work it into the sink, removing debris and scratches with ease. Rinse with warm water. This works well on stainless steel as well as porcelain sinks.

8. Wipe down the faucet
Give your kitchen faucet a quick wipe-down using a damp cleaning cloth. Scrub Daddy makes these amazing reusable streakless cloths that work wonders for quick-cleaning appliances, glass, and mirrors in a pinch!

9. Clean the oven and racks with pumice
If you really want to go the extra mile and get your entire kitchen clean, there is a quick and easy way to clean your oven and oven racks. Simply wet down the inside of your oven and the oven racks and use a pumice stone to remove cooked-on stains. Then, wipe the inside of your oven and rinse your oven racks. You won't believe how well a pumice stone works for cleaning the cooked-on grime without the use of harsh chemical cleaners!