How to Give Gifts at a Debutante Ball

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How to Give Gifts at a Debutante Ball. At a Debutante Ball, young women ages 16 to 18 are formally presented to society. Originally intended as a way for aristocratic English families to find husbands for their daughters, the Debutante tradition is alive and well in America today. Seen primarily as an opportunity for young woman to be instructed in manners and social graces, it is also used to promote civic mindedness. Gifts given to a Debutante prior to her presentation depend largely on her relationship to the giver.


Step 1

Select personal gifts for the young woman, such as jewelry, only if you are member of her immediate family.

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Step 2

Give large donations of money to the organization sponsoring the ball if you are the young girl's parents. Donations to fundraising efforts are not required of Debutante escorts.

Step 3

Choose a lovely bouquet of flowers to be delivered to the Debutante's home a few days prior to the ball if you are her escort. Corsages are not appropriate for a Debutante Ball.

Step 4

Ask the Debutante's family whether a donation to the charity being funded by the ball would be welcome.

Step 5

Consult an authority on Debutante Ball etiquette, like Emily Post.


If you have been asked to be a Debutante's escort, feel free to ask questions about proper procedure for the evening. Friends or relatives of the Debutante may be invited to a house party for the Debutante. Find out ahead of time if gifts are expected.


Debutante Balls are all about proper etiquette and social graces. Do not give any kind of gift until you have consulted the family of the Debutante or the organization sponsoring the event.

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