Modern embroidery machines use computer files to help guide users in sewing complicated patterns. These files contain basic commands like "Start," "Stop" and "Turn." In addition to speeding up the embroidering process, these files also allow crafters to share, buy, and sell patterns with others. However, each embroidery machine manufacturer uses its own type of file, so software is needed to convert between files created on Tajima machines (which use DST files) and Brother, Babylock, or Bernina machines (which use PES files).
Using Embird Studio
Video of the Day
Step 1
Open Embird Studio. If you haven't already installed it, a free trial download is available (see Resources).
Video of the Day
Step 2
Click once on the folder where your DST is located in the "Folder:" box on the right-hand side.
Step 3
Click once on the DST file in the "Files:" box on the bottom right.
Step 4
Click "Right Panel" (at the top of the screen) and click "Convert Files."
Step 5
Click inside the circle next to "Babylock, Bernina, Brother .PES."
Step 6
Click "OK."
Using Embroidery Designs
Step 1
Sign in to Embroidery Designs. If you don't already have an account, sign up for a free one (see Resources).
Step 2
Click "Embroidery Tools" from the menu on the left, then click "Online Conversion Tool."
Step 3
Click "Choose File" and navigate to the folder on your computer where your DST file is located. Double-click the DST file to select it.
Step 4
Click "Upload File."
Step 5
Select "Babylock/Bernina/Brother .PES" from the drop-down list.
Step 6
Click "Convert Now." Once the conversion is complete, click on the download icon to save the PES file to your computer.
Using Pulse Ambassador
Step 1
Open Pulse Ambassador. If you haven't already installed it, a free download is available (see Resources).
Step 2
Go to "File" "Open."
Step 3
Select "Tajima Stitch files (*.DST)" from the "Files of Type" drop-down menu.
Step 4
Navigate to the directory where your DST file is located. Click on the file name and click "Open."
Step 5
Go to "File" "Save As Copy."
Step 6
Select "v6.0 Babylock/Bernina/Brother (*.PES)" from the "Save As Type" drop-down menu.
Step 7
Enter a unique file name in the "File name" box, then click the "Save" button.