How to Clean Your Windows Without Streaks

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Image Credit: Olga Ionina/iStock/GettyImages

Cleaning windows can be time consuming, and sometimes streaks can be left behind. This can be frustrating, but here is an easy fix for that. I'm going to show you how to clean your windows without streaks so you can enjoy the view outside of your windows — instead of staring at the streaks!


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

Video of the Day

To start, you'll need a few things, including this homemade window cleaner. It's an all natural mix made of items you most likely have in your pantry.

Video of the Day

Things You'll Need

1. Spray cleaner on the window

Spray the glass surface thoroughly using your window cleaner.

Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

2. Wipe with a paper towel

Use a paper towel to wipe away dirt, smudges and fingerprints.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman

3. Wipe with a squeegee

Use a squeegee to wipe away the window cleaner and dirt.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman


Use a little force while moving the squeegee from the top to the bottom of your window.

4. Clean off the squeegee

Between passes, be sure to wipe the squeegee off with a clean paper towel so you don't spread the dirt back onto the window.


Image Credit: Jessica Kielman
Image Credit: Jessica Kielman
