Things You'll Need
Black hooded sweatshirt
1 sheet cardstock
1 sheet black felt
1 sheet blue felt
Fabric glue
Cotton fiber fill
24 x 4-inch piece black cotton fabric
Wire clothes hanger
Sewing pin
1/4-inch black elastic
Safety pin
Black face paint
White face paint
Blue face paint
Yellow face paint
Flat edge brush
Script liner brush

Muster up your best growl and walk on the wild side when you don your own handcrafted black panther costume. It is easy to create and requires little sewing. Grab your favorite black sweatpants or leggings and a pair of black gloves to complete this easy-to-make panther costume. It can be created start to finish in less than an hour.
Hooded Sweatshirt with Panther Ears
Step 1
Draw a triangle onto a piece of cardstock that has a 5-inch base to create an ear pattern. Cut the pattern out.
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Step 2
Draw a smaller triangle onto the cardstock that has a 3-inch base. This is the inner-section of the panther's ear. Cut the pattern out.
Step 3
Use the 5-inch triangle pattern to cut four large triangles out of black felt. Use the 3-inch triangle pattern to cut two smaller triangles out of blue felt.
Step 4
Stitch two of the large black triangles together along the two side edges. Do this for each ear. Leave the bottom of the triangles open.
Step 5
Glue one 3-inch triangle onto the center of each ear. Let the glue dry.
Step 6
Stuff the ears with cotton fiber fill. Do not over stuff the ears.
Step 7
Sew the bottom of the ears closed.
Step 8
Attach the ears to the hooded section of the black sweatshirt. Pull the sweatshirt hood up over your head and look in the mirror to determine ear placement. The ears should be to the center left and right of the top of your head. Pin the ears to the hood.
Step 9
Hand stitch the ears in place and remove the pins.
Easy Panther Tail
Step 1
Fold the 24 inch x 4-inch black cotton fabric in half lengthwise so that the wrong sides are together. You should have a long piece of fabric with one open side and two open ends. Sew the long open side together and one of the ends. Leave the other end open.
Step 2
Turn the fabric so that the right sides are out.
Step 3
Stretch a wire coat hanger until it is straight. Fold the hanger in half and insert it into the open end of the tail piece.
Step 4
Stuff the cotton fiber fill into the tail around the hanger.
Step 5
Turn the open end of the cat's tail inward to create a finished edge. Pin the sides together. Sew the tail closed with a blind stitch.
Step 6
Cut a 4-inch piece of black elastic. Fold the elastic in half lengthwise and sew the ends together. Stitch the elastic to the hand-sewn end of the tail. Attach it to your pants with a safety pin.
Panther Face Paint
Step 1
Paint your entire face black. Make sure to cover your eyebrows and your eyelids with the face paint.
Step 2
Paint yellow circles in the center of each eye lid to represent the cat's eyes.
Step 3
Add a black vertical line in the center of the eyes to represent the pupil.
Step 4
Mix a small drop of blue paint into a small amount of white paint. Mix the paint until it is very pale blue.
Step 5
Use the script liner to paint eyelashes above your eyebrows with the mixed paint.
Step 6
Paint whiskers between your nose and upper lip with the light blue paint.
Step 7
Add two light blue fang-like teeth to the corners of your bottom lip.
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