Things You'll Need
beadboard wainscoting panels with attached chair rails and baseboard.
table saw
measuring tape
carpenter's glue
stud finder

Want to jazz up a dull room? Adding beadboard wainscoting to your walls will give a dull room a new flare. Most home improvement stores sell beadboard wainscoting panels at 8 linear foot sections and 36 inches tall that already have the attached chair rail and baseboard. Buying the pre cut panels makes installing easier if you are doing it yourself. Here is how to install beadboard wainscoting yourself.
Step 1
Measure the area where you are going to install the beadboard wainscoting. The home improvement store will need to know the measurements when you go to purchase your beadboard wainscoting.
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Step 2
Take everything out of the room. This way you will have room to work. If some things can not be removed, place these items in the middle of the floor and cover them.
Step 3
Remove the baseboard with a crowbar. You will not need the baseboard because the beadboard wainscoting already has a baseboard attached. Also remove the outlets covers. Put a colored post it on the floor where the electrical outlets are located for later.
Step 4
Begin gluing the beadboard wainscoting panels to the walls using carpenter's glue. Then go back and nail the beadboard wainscoting panels into the studs using a stud finder. Make sure to take note of where the electrical outlets are located. Use a drill to cut out the place where the outlet cover will go. You may want to do this before gluing the panels to the wall.
Step 5
When you come across an area that does not need the entire panel, use a table saw to cut the panel to the size you need.
Step 6
Last, paint the beadboard wainscoting any color you want.
Ask someone to help you. Your local home improvement store may offer classs on how to intall beadboard wainscoting panels yourself. Buy the panels that already has the attached chair rail and baseboard attached.
Take your time.
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