How to Write Anniversary Announcements

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper

  • Pen

  • (or computer)

Anniversary announcements are a means to let people know about a special milestone in a marriage. They can be used to honor the couple, to let people know about upcoming parties or about a party that recently took place. Announcements can be sent to individuals or to local newspapers. They may become treasured keepsakes that can be laminated or inserted into a scrapbook and/or given to attendees of the special event.


Step 1

Gather the information: husband's name, wife's name, city and state; date, time, place and hosts of party location; and date and place of the marriage and number of children.

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Other optional information can include names of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, their spouses and current hometowns; the occupations and employers of the couple to be honored as well as any hobbies and/or groups to which they belong. Make sure all spellings and dates are correct.


Step 2

Begin writing the announcement. Start with the essential information. For example: "John and Mary Smith of Warren, Michigan, are celebrating their 25th anniversary on November 14, 20--."

Step 3

Write details of their wedding. "They were married on Nov. 14, 198- at St. Edmund Catholic Church, Warren."


Step 4

List children and their current hometowns, putting their spouses' names in parentheses: "Mr. and Mrs. Smith have four children: John (Jane) Smith of Sterling Heights, Patricia (Joseph) McMurray of Dayton, OH, Theresa Smith of Warren and the late Michael Smith."

Step 5

List grandchildren's names, grouping them by family: "They have three grandchildren: Jessica and Joshua Smith and Jill McMurray."


Step 6

Briefly describe anything notable about the couple's life together: "Mr. and Mrs. Smith are lifelong residents of Warren and are enjoying their retirement years together by traveling around the state in their motor home."

Step 7

List details of the celebration: "John and Jane Smith invite friends and family to attend a reception for the couple at Penna's of Sterling Heights, 38400 Van Dyke on Nov. 14 from Noon to 3 p.m. In lieu of gifts, the couple requests donations be made to the American Cancer Society in honor of Mary's successful bout against breast cancer."


Step 8

If the celebration has already taken place, list notable attendees: "John and Mary appreciated the reception hosted by their children at Penna's of Sterling Heights and attended by about 50 people, most notably the bride's sister, Susan, who made a surprise visit from her home in Anchorage, AK."


Step 9

If the announcement will be sent to family members, you may want to close with a significant quote, Bible verse or poem. (A newspaper printing the announcement will likely delete it before publication.)

Step 10

Announcements given as keepsakes may be produced on your computer, carefully handmade or printed at a local stationary shop. If professionally printed, allow several weeks for delivery and carefully proofread all materials.


While most newspapers will publish an anniversary announcement for free, they may charge for announcements that include a photograph or more than the name of the couple and the date of the anniversary. Check with the individual paper for details.

Generally anniversary announcements are used only for milestone anniversaries: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50. Newspapers generally don't publish announcements about non-milestone anniversaries but may choose to do for a compelling reason (for example, one of the spouses is terminally ill or has recently recovered from a life-threatening illness).


Proofread the announcement and have someone else proofread it also before submitting it to a newspaper or a printer. Most printers and newspapers will publish the announcement exactly as it is received and only contact you if there is an obvious error.

Contact the newspaper's editorial department after sending it to ensure it was received. Ask when it will be published but be aware that newspapers often have to change their layouts at the last minute and may have to change when the announcement will be published.

Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope when submitting an announcement to a newspaper if you want the photo returned. Place a return address label and the couple's name on the back of the photograph.


Video of the Day
