Things You'll Need
Measuring tape
Lightweight or sheer fabric
Sewing machine
4 tension curtain rods
Making curtains for your home can have a positive effect on your decorating budget. Creating and implementing curtain ideas for octagon windows can be a challenge. However, the solution is simple: Use two straight curtains on four rods and place them in an interesting hanging arrangement. The curtains can be enhanced with embellishments or interlaced strands of a different fabric.
Step 1: Choose a Soft Fabric
Select a lightweight or sheer fabric for the curtains. Do not use broad cloth or stiff fabric, they are not suitable for curtains. Other octagon shaped window covering ideas might include bead or macramé treatments.
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Step 2: Measure the Window
Measure your window across the widest part. Because an octagon window has eight equal sides, it can be top to bottom or side to side. Add 4 inches to this measurement to determine the length of each panel. Adjust as needed for other custom curtains, such as a hexagon window covering.
Step 3: Determine the Width
To determine the width of each panel, take the window measurement, double that number and add an additional 2 inches. This measurement will be for each panel, considering your curtains will be gathered.
Step 4: Cut the Fabric
Cut two pieces of sheer fabric to the measurement specifications. Fold the fabric over 3/4 inch on each long side. Fold again, secure with pins and press with the iron. Machine stitch with a medium-size stitch length.
Step 5: Sew the Casings
Turn the end edges up 1/4 inch in the same direction as the side hems. Secure with pins, press with the iron and machine stitch in place. Fold each end over another 3/4 inch. Secure with pins, press and stitch the hems. This creates your curtain-rod casings for the top and bottom of both panels. There will be rods on both ends of the curtain.
Step 6: Experiment with the Panels
Experiment with twisting and folding your panels until you find a design you like. To create a sunburst pattern, lay one curtain panel on a flat surface. Cross the other panel on top of the first. This creates an X shape. Twist the panels together in the center. Pin the middle in place temporarily. This will hold your folds or gathers until the curtain is hung.
Step 7: Insert the Tension Rods
Insert the tension rods into the casings. Place all four ends of the curtain panels on a separate rod. Once installed, the tension and rubberized tips of the rods will hold the curtains in place in the corners of octagon windows. Clips for tension rods are also available to help hold them in position.
Step 8: Install the First Curtain
Place the tension rods inside the corners of the octagon window frame. Identify the side at the 10 o'clock position. Place one end of the rod in the corner of the side and place the other end in the opposite corner of the same side. Place the opposite end of the curtain in the four o'clock position.
Step 9: Add the Second Panel
Insert the second panel into the window. The ends will be at the two and eight o'clock positions. Remove the pin from the middle.
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