Things You'll Need
Fingernail polish remover
Baking soda
Clean rag or cloth
Cold water

If you have children in your home and even one permanent marker within reach of those children, chances are good that you will have permanent marker on your walls, tables, appliances, or worse, your furniture. In the event that permanent marker finds its way onto your couch, you may be able to remove the stain using products you already have in your home.
Step 1
Spray the affected area with a small amount of WD-40. The chemical will begin to work immediately, so you will also need to work quickly.
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Step 2
Take your clean cloth and apply pressure to the area, dabbing as you go. Use a clean section of your cloth every time you dab; this will also help contain the stain.
Step 3
Repeat steps one and two until the stain is removed.
Fingernail Polish Remover
Step 1
Place a small amount of fingernail polish remover in a small container for easy access. A small glass bowl will work.
Step 2
Place the tip of your index finger inside the clean cloth and dip it into the fingernail polish remover until the cloth is soaked.
Step 3
Apply pressure to the stain, dabbing the affected area over and over, using a clean portion of the cloth each time.
Step 4
Rinse area using a clean cloth and cold water.
Baking Soda
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Step 1
Mix baking soda with water to make a paste. Use a small container for this, one in which you can easily fit the tip of your index finger. Small custard bowls are good for this.
Step 2
Rub the baking soda paste on the affected area, using the tip of your index finger inside the clean cloth, dipping into the container and covering the rag with the paste. Remember to use a clean portion of the cloth for each rub.
Step 3
Continue rubbing until you have used all of the paste.
Step 4
Use cold water and a clean cloth to rinse away any baking soda paste residue.
Step 5
Repeat steps as needed to remove as much of the stain as possible.
According to Sharpie, you should place stain remover on the underside of the stain to pull the stain through the fabric; this way you won't push the stain through and risk re-staining.
When cleaning with chemicals, you should always wear protective gloves and goggles to avoid injury. Rinse gloves and wash hands thoroughly after using chemicals. Fabric color may be significantly altered with the use of some chemicals, so always test chemicals on an inconspicuous area of fabric to test the fabric's reaction to the chemicals. Stain may not completely come off the fabric. Avoid rubbing the area when using chemicals, as you run the risk of spreading the stain to other parts of the fabric.