How to Build a Car With Popsicle Sticks

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Popsicle sticks, also called craft sticks, can be used to create a wide variety of craft projects. For example, you can arrange Popsicle sticks in a certain way to create a whimsical craft car that can be used during pretend play. Your Popsicle stick car can also be painted and customized to suit your own personal tastes, and can make the perfect rainy day activity.


Popsicle sticks can be used to create a whimsical craft car.

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Things You'll Need

  • Acrylic Paint

  • Paintbrush

  • 4 Soda Pop Tops

  • Scissors

  • Hot Glue Gun

  • Hot Glue Stick

  • Craft Glue

  • Popsicle Sticks

Step 1

Place five Popsicle sticks side by side on a flat surface.

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Step 2

Glue the sticks together on their edges. Allow the glue to dry completely. This will be the bottom of the car.

Step 3

Glue three Popsicle sticks together at their edges. Allow the glue to dry completely. This will be one of the sides of the car


Step 4

Glue another three Popsicle sticks together on their edges. Allow the glue to dry completely. This will be the other side of the car. .

Step 5

Glue the side vertically onto the long sides of the bottom piece, and allow it to dry.


Step 6

Cut three Popsicle sticks in half.

Step 7

Glue three half-pieces together on their edges, and allow them to dry. This will be the front of the car.

Step 8

Glue the front piece to one end of the car.


Step 9

Glue the other three half-pieces together on their edges. This will be the back of the car.

Step 10

Glue the back piece onto the other end of the car.

Step 11

Glue five Popsicle sticks onto the top of the car. This will be the roof.


Step 12

Hot glue two soda pop tops to each side of the Popsicle car. Allow the hot glue to cool. These will be the wheels.

Step 13

Paint the Popsicle car with acrylic paint. Allow the paint to dry before playing with the Popsicle car.

