Celebrating a 70th birthday is a major milestone in a woman's life. It is a wonderful time to gather together with friends, relatives and co-workers to celebrate a long and happy life. Some 70-year-old women are quite spry and ready for a grand party while others may enjoy an intimate gathering of just a few close friends and relatives more. The personality of the honoree is a major consideration when planning the party.
Step 1
Supply food for her party that she will enjoy and can eat. Keep in mind that many senior citizens are on a special diet and this should be a top priority when considering menu choices. It is frustrating to sit and nibble on sugar-free gelatin while the rest of the guests enjoy a delicious cake if the guest of honor is on a diabetic diet.
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Step 2
Place photograph collages around the room that celebrates her life and any major events depicting work or social activities. You can display pictures of her as a baby, at her first day on the job, at her wedding or an anniversary celebration or simply attractive pictures throughout her lifetime.
Step 3
Provide suitable entertainment. The 70-year-old honoree may want to dance all night or she may be the type that tires easily around rambunctious children. Keep her needs in mind and remember this is her special day so she is top priority.
Step 4
Incorporate homemade party decorations throughout the party venue or purchase milestone decorations at a discount or party supply store.
Step 5
Keep the noise level down if she is hard of hearing as it is frustrating to strain to hear everything going on due to excessive background noise.
Step 6
Hire a professional photographer to take generational pictures if she is a mother and it is rare to have all her relatives around at the same time. This will create a lovely memento of the milestone birthday.
Step 7
Collect money from all the attendees to purchase her one big gift; this will help to avoid gifts of knickknacks that she probably does not have the room to display. Alternately, if she is retired and on a fixed income, a money tree or gift certificates to her favorite grocery or discount stores are a thoughtful idea.
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