How to Remove Rust From Cast Iron Frying Pan

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Things You'll Need

  • Scrubbing pad

  • Nylon brush

  • Cooking oil

  • Aluminum foil

Cast iron cookware is popular with many people because it cooks food evenly. However, cast iron is very prone to rusting. The reddish brown rust is familiar to most cooks, and keeping the rust at bay is a required housecleaning chore. A cast iron frying pan used infrequently is more likely to develop rust because regular use maintains the seasoning of the pan. Still, there are other ways to remove the rust and keep it off for a period of time.


Step 1

Scrub off the rust with a scrubbing pad. Scrub away rust on the inside and outside of the frying pan.

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Step 2

Clean the frying pan with a nylon brush. Use hot water to clean the cast iron pan, suggests Mother Earth News.


Step 3

Apply cooking oil to all parts of the pan with a paper towel.

Step 4

Tear off a sheet of aluminum foil. Place it on the bottom rack of the oven.

Step 5

Turn the oven on to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.


Step 6

Place the frying pan upside down on the top rack of the oven. Leave in for a few hours.

Step 7

Turn off the oven. Leave frying pan in the oven and let both cool.

Step 8

Remove frying pan from the oven and store in a dry, cool place.


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