Things You'll Need
Glass cleaner
Mild liquid dish soap
White vinegar
Baking soda
Paper towels

Despite the stain-resistant power that its name suggests, stainless steel is susceptible to certain stains. This is especially true if you leave the staining material on the stainless steel for a while. Luckily, the metal is fairly easy to clean even if you've gotten permanent marks on it.
Step 1
Spray glass cleaner on the marker stain. Let it soak in for 2 minutes.
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Step 2
Wipe up the glass cleaner with a paper towel. Rub the stain as you wipe to get as much of it off as possible.
Step 3
Apply a drop of mild liquid dish soap to the stain if it is still visible.
Step 4
Run a toothbrush under clear water and scrub the dish soap into the stain. Scrub along the stainless steel grain to remove the stain.
Step 5
Wipe up the dish soap with a paper towel.
Step 6
Dab white vinegar into the stain with a clean cloth if it is still visible.
Step 7
Mix a thick paste of baking soda and water if the stain is still visible. The paste should be the same consistency as toothpaste.
Step 8
Apply the baking soda paste to the stain with a toothbrush. The baking soda will act as a mild abrasive, which will not scratch the stainless steel but will help remove the stain.
Step 9
Wipe up the area with a wet paper towel and dry it completely with a clean cloth.
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