Things You'll Need

Calendar parties have tables or stations that represent every month of the year. Some party planners use them for charity events. Others simply adopt the theme for a regular party. Regardless of the type of party you're planning, a calendar theme is a fun, creative way to set up your room, decorate and provide drinks and food for your guests. Decide in advance whether you have the space for 12 stations or tables. If not, you can combine the months into groups of two or three per table.
Step 1
Make a list of each month's notable events or characteristics. For example, December could celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah and July could celebrate the Fourth of July. August could have a beach or vacation theme, while April could celebrate spring.
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Step 2
Write up a tentative list of what each month will represent at your calendar party. Mix up the options to ensure that not every month celebrates a holiday or a season. A mix of notable events, seasonal themes and holidays ensures that your party decorations and food will have more diversity.
Step 3
Compile a list of appropriate decorations based on your final theme for each month. For example, a beach theme may include seashells, plastic buckets and shovels and sunglasses. A Valentine's Day theme may have heart and cupid decorations.
Step 4
Devise a list of food and drinks that fit in each month's theme. Look over your list to ensure that the selections are balanced -- not every table should be a dessert or main course, for example. Decide whether some months will be strictly represented by drinks, such as lemonade for June or beer for a St. Patrick's Day theme for March.
Step 5
Decide whether you will plan every table or if you'll ask for help. If you want help, ask family or friends to spearhead the decorations and food for a specific month. Let them know the theme for their individual months in advance.
Step 6
Purchase or make the necessary supplies. Keep in mind that certain decorations basics, such as balloons or streamers, can work for multiple months. Keep costs down further by using household ideas for decorations, such as sunglasses for a beach theme.
Step 7
Compile the guest list based on the room you have available. Send out homemade invitations on old calendar pages as a creative approach or use an e-invitation Web service and design your own invitations. Give guests at least three weeks notice in order to collect R.S.V.P. responses.
Step 8
Base your food and drink purchases on the number of guests you expect. It is always better to overbuy food and drinks rather than come up short on party day.
Keep open flames used for warming food away from paper table decorations to avoid a fire.
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