How to Vinyl Coat a Football Face Mask

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Things You'll Need

  • Vinyl paint

  • Paint brush

  • Two cloths

  • Football helmet with a face mask

  • Water

  • Sponge

Vinyl is a plastic used on records, clothing and walls for protection and a shiny finish.

Vinyl coating can be applied to different surfaces to protect them while also providing a shiny look. Painting vinyl onto your football helmet's face mask coats it and protects it from wear during usage. The vinyl also provides a clean, shiny white look to distinguish your face mask from the rest of your football helmet. Vinyl-coating your football helmet's face mask can be done with a simple coat of vinyl paint.


Step 1

Clean your football helmet's face mask with water and a sponge. Scrub the inside and outside of your face mask thoroughly. Dry off with one of your cloths.

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Step 2

Lay down your second cloth. Place your football helmet on the cloth. Its face mask should face towards you.


Step 3

Open your vinyl paint container. Dip your paint brush into your vinyl paint container. Brush the entire outside of your face mask lightly with vinyl paint.

Step 4

Dip your paint brush into your paint container. Reach your brushing hand inside the helmet with your paint brush. Brush the entire inside of your face mask lightly with vinyl paint.


Step 5

Apply a thicker coat to the inside and outside of your face mask. Dab off your paint brush on the paint container or your second cloth when finished. Follow the instructions on the back of your vinyl paint container to see how long your mask needs to dry.

Step 6

Use your football helmet when it's finished drying.


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