How to Paint Countertops That Have a Metal Trim

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Things You'll Need

  • Newspaper

  • Tape

  • Spray paint

  • Paint roller

  • Latex paint

  • Oil-based polyurethane

  • Extra fine sanding sponge

Hide outdated metal trim with paint.

Painting your counter is one way to give your kitchen a low-cost makeover and camouflage an old or unattractive laminate counter top. While even a novice painter can manage to paint over a counter top with a little spare time and a few tips, a strip of metal trim along the edge of the counter complicates the project. Fortunately, you can hide the offending trim and help blend it into your counter top seamlessly.


Step 1

Cover your cabinets and floors near the counter tops with several sheets of newspaper or butcher paper. Tape the paper into place to protect these surfaces from paint over spray.

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Step 2

Spray paint the metal trim on your counter tops with a spray paint designed for use on metal surfaces. Choose a color slightly lighter than the shade you wish to paint your counter tops.


Step 3

Apply a second coat of spray paint and wait for it to dry before you continue to the next step.

Step 4

Paint the counter tops and the metal trim with a paint roller and latex paint in the color of your choice.


Step 5

Apply a second coat of the latex paint when the first coat is completely dry.

Step 6

Cover the dry paint with three coats of oil-based clear polyurethane. Let each layer of polyurethane dry completely before you begin to apply the next.


Step 7

Sand the dry polyurethane with a wet extra fine grit sanding sponge until the painted counter top and metal trim feel smooth to the touch.

Step 8

Remove the newspaper and butcher paper from the area.


You can shine your painted counter tops by rubbing a small amount of clear paste wax onto the surface with a no-scratch scrubbing pad.


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