Long before you tear apart your closet looking for the right outfit to wear to your class reunion, you must put some thoughts together for your reunion biography. These bios, which typically appear in a publication distributed at the reunion and online, give you the chance to share some memories about school and let former classmates know what you've been doing in recent years.
Provide the Basics
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Modern-day technology means your school's alumni group can gather the information for your biography online. Many organizations provide templates that are less daunting than sitting down in front of a blank word-processing document and trying to summarize your life. Start with the basics such as your name, year of graduation and contact information. Some schools allow you to submit social-media contact information. If you don't want your contact information published in the reunion publication, check the appropriate box or leave a note.
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Think Way Back
Many biography forms ask you to share a few memories about your days as a student. Write a few short anecdotes about a favorite teacher, class or extracurricular activity. For example, note that a particular teacher's words still echo in your head a couple of decades later, or your gym teacher's commitment to fitness helped you learn the importance of keeping active. Funny memories, provided they're tasteful, can add levity to your bio. For example, recall a food fight in the cafeteria or tell a humorous story about prom.
Provide Post-Grad Updates
Part of the goal of any class reunion is to get updates about those you haven't seen in several years. Your biography should include some details about your life since graduation. For example, note where you went to college and the program you studied, a few highlights of the jobs you've had and any personal details such as marital status and number of offspring. Telling your story in chronological order is a standard approach.
Tips for Success
Don't feel as though you have to be an accomplished writer to put together some basic thoughts. If you're better at telling stories in person, keep the bio brief and share anecdotes with former classmates at the event. If you have trouble thinking of significant details or don't have an extensive education, work or family history, focus on hobbies, significant trips you've taken, volunteering experience or noteworthy milestones.