Things You'll Need
Extension ladder
Pressure washer
Heavy-duty fabric drop cloths
Acrylic latex primer
Roller frame
Nap Roller cover
3- to 4-inch nylon paintbrush
Acrylic latex paint

If you would like to paint shingle siding, consider some critical points. Whether it is composed of wood or asphalt, your shingle siding is ill-suited for adhesion. Before you paint, condition the siding with a specific type of bonding primer, or the final coating will ultimately flake and peel. Because shingle siding is exposed to harsh temperatures and weather elements, it requires a finish specifically made for external surfaces. Apply the right paint, or subtle cracking and fading may result.
Step 1
Wash the shingle siding, using a pressure washer. Remove all dust and cobwebs to prevent adhesion difficulties. Allow the shingle siding to dry for 24 hours.
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Step 2
Prime the clean shingle siding, using a roller. Work left to right, moving your roller vertically.
Step 3
Force the primer within the tight areas between each shingle, using a nylon paintbrush. Use a dabbing motion. Wait two hours for the primed shingles to dry.
Step 4
Use tap water to wash each of your tools.
Step 5
Paint the primed shingle siding, using the roller. Work left to right, moving your roller vertically.
Step 6
Force the paint within the tight areas between each shingle, using the nylon paintbrush. Use a dabbing motion. Wait two hours for the painted shingles to dry.
Never finish shingle siding with plain latex paint or fading may result.
Should you require a ladder to reach high areas of shingle siding, read the safety guide printed on the ladder before use.
Don't paint unprimed shingle siding, or the new painted finish will peel.
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