Covers on a bed can be confusing. After all, comforters and duvet covers are two different things, and sometimes comforters are referred to as duvets. The comforter goes inside the duvet cover, which protects it and lets you change the look without spending extra money on a brand-new comforter. Duvet covers generally cost less and are like envelopes made of fabric. Once the comforter (duvet) goes inside, there are different ways to close the openings.
Duvet Cover Ties
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If you are wondering how to put a comforter into a duvet cover, you are not alone, and to complicate matters, they are not all made the same way. If your has duvet cover ties, you can work with these to help make the process a little easier. To start, lay out the comforter on top of a bed and smooth it out flat. Then, flip the duvet cover inside out with the opening down at the bottom of the bed. Continue by placing your comforter as close to the middle as you can.
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Some comforters have loops at their top corners, but others do not. If yours does, tie the duvet cover's top corner ties onto those loops. Then, you have to work your hands into the cover toward the top corners. Match up the comforter and duvet cover corners and flip the cover right side out. Holding the comforter in place, slide the duvet cover down. Tie the bottom corner ties to close the cover, keeping it at the bottom of the bed.
Simplifying the Duvet Process
The process of getting the comforter into the duvet cover can be a bit awkward. Fortunately, experts have a few tips that can help tie comforters to duvet covers.
After turning the cover inside out and laying the comforter on top, either attach the cover's ties to the comforter or use heavy-duty safety pins if there are no loops. Go to the top of the bed and start rolling the comforter and cover down like a burrito. Having one person on each side makes this much more manageable. Close the opening and unroll it.
Duvet Corner Clips
Duvet covers can have different openings besides ties, like zippers and buttons. Closing the duvet cover is the easiest part, though, since once you place the comforter inside, it can move around even if it is securely attached to the inside. You can try to fluff up the whole thing once the comforter is in there, but they tend to wander a bit after being used.
There's actually a clever solution for this problem: padded duvet corner clips. These inexpensive little thingamajigs go inside duvet covers and attach the comforters to them. They are often sold in sets of six, with one per corner and two more for the left and right sides. Once you put them on, they can prevent the comforter from bunching up in the middle of your duvet cover. You will have to remove them when you want to wash your comforter or duvet cover. Ensure that you put them somewhere safe so you won't lose them.