Things You'll Need
To complete this greeting, you will need the following:
Pen and paper or computer with word processing software
Internet access

Celebrating a birthday is an annual tradition that can be very special for the celebrant, as well as their friends and family. A very select and small percentage of people are able to celebrate their 100th birthday. If a man has been fortunate and healthy to celebrate his centennial event, you can commemorate this special occasion and share his unique accomplishments. One approach is to write a personal birthday greeting that focuses on 100 years of personal satisfaction and achievements.
Writing a birthday greeting
Step 1
Do your research. Celebrating 100 years on this planet is an accomplishment. A nice way to celebrate and reflect on a person's longevity is by detailing all the amazing historical events during his lifetime. Find out the exact date of the person's birth. Do some historical research. Find out who was president when he was born, what type of car people drove, who were the celebrities in sports and movies. Take detailed notes and incorporate them into the greeting. Although you do not need to include every detail, you should pick out memorable moments that the birthday celebrant has seen during his lifetime.
Video of the Day
Step 2
Talk to family members and friends and ask them to relate a favorite memory or an amusing story about the person celebrating his centennial birthday. Incorporate as many stories or memories as possible into the greeting, thus creating a personalized message that will show the birthday celebrant just how many amazing and interesting things he has seen and accomplished throughout this lifetime.
Step 3
Organize your information chronologically in a logical progression. Do not jump over spans of time. If you are talking about the birthday celebrant's teenage years and the state of the world at that time, do not immediately discuss in the next sentence his later accomplishments. Finish your birthday greeting with something personal from your perspective. As you have incorporated information gathered from other sources, you can now finish your 100th birthday greeting with a personal message.
Step 4
Supplement your greeting. In addition to your personalized message celebrating a centennial birthday, you can ask the President of the United States to send a personalized greeting to your special celebrant by writing to the White House and specifying what milestone is being celebrated. If the request is received early enough, the President will send the celebrant a personalize card in time to commemorate this event.
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