The Girl Scouts of America is a trusted organization that has been around for several decades and so it's a rare occurrence that you'd need to report a scout leader for misconduct. However, when you feel that your child's scout leader has behaved inappropriately, taking action is important. Knowing how to report a scout leader for misconduct doesn't take much of your time, and helps to protect the welfare of your children as well as other people's children.
Step 1
Call the Girl Scouts of America toll-free hotline at 1(800) 478-7248. Follow the automated prompts that guide you through the different options. For instance, one option will give you locations to a Girl Scout Council in your area.
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Step 2
Select the option that most closely coincides with why you're calling. Speaking to an operator immediately gives you the opportunity to expedite your scout leader complaint.
Step 3
Provide the operator with the name of your scout leader and the Girl Scouts troop to which your child belongs. Give him or her any other needed information, such as your phone number, address or other necessary details.
Step 4
Explain to the operator why you are complaining about the scout leader in your area. Remain calm and thoroughly tell the operator precisely what happened if you witnessed whatever it was. If you're a second-hand witness, precisely repeat what you were told.
Step 5
Request the name and extension of the operator you've spoken to. This keeps a record of your complaints against the scout leader. If the issue isn't investigated or if you don't receive a call back, simply call the number again and report the operator along with the scout leader. This is necessary to assure quality for the next person who must call in a complaint.
Call the police before calling the Girl Scouts of America if the scout leader is believed to have committed a criminal act such as abuse, contributing to the delinquency of minors and other offenses that are punishable by law.
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