Meet and greets can be business or social events that offer a casual atmosphere for people to meet others with similar fields of work or interest. People should know what to expect when they come to a meet and greet so they will be prepared, so how you structure the invitations is an important aspect of the event. Plan out the details and theme of the event, as well as the wording that you will use so that you communicate clearly to potential guests.
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You can create invitations as printed letters or notes that are given in envelopes, or you could also send out invites as a emails. Letter formats are generally a little more formal than email invites, but you can also maintain an informal tone to the invitation with a printed letter if you desire. Make sure the invites are addressed to the appropriate senders, either in the email "To:" box, or typed or written on the front of letter envelopes.
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The details to a meet and greet event, such as where and when the event is being held, as well as information about what guests should bring and wear, should all generally be included in an invitation. The details section could look something like this:
Clive and Co. Spring Meet and Greet Friday, May 16th, 2011 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. In the Clive and Co. Brighton Ballroom Attire is business casual, and guests are welcome to bring a partner to the event. Food and drink will be served.
Meet and greets can have themes to make them more interesting for guests. Themes can also help guests settle in more easily to meeting new people since they will have something else to focus on if they are feeling nervous. Example themes include Spring Fling; Christmas Meet and Greet; Cooking Skills Meet and Greet; and Quiz Night Meet and Greet.
Invitation wording is important, since it's what gives guests the best idea of how to approach the event and what they may expect. "University Club cordially invites you to a Meet and Greet event." This example would be a respectful, yet not too formal, way to word the opening of your invitation. You should then provide the event details, followed by a way for guests to contact you about the event: "Please R.S.V.P. to the event office by next week. Call at 555-5555, or email at [email protected]. Thank you, and we hope to see you there!"