Saying farewell to a coworker is an office event that should be celebrated with a party. When planning going away party games for a coworker, it is appropriate and desirable to take the likes and dislikes of the person leaving into consideration, so that you may honor him with a celebration he -- and everyone else in the office -- is sure to enjoy. Don't forget to throw entertaining activities into the mix to make the joyous occasion even more memorable.
Going Away Party Games for a Coworker
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Office farewell party games make for light and entertaining activities at a staff goodbye party. Since a goodbye party is really all about the person who is leaving, tailor the games around the person.
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For instance, you can pass out a crossword puzzle for people to complete with clues and words related to the staff. Another game idea for a goodbye party is to play a trivia game about the person who is leaving, to see which people know the most about that person. Questions might include "What color was the shirt that Mike ripped while making photocopies at the copy station?"
Provide Food That's Tasty and Fun
Food is an exciting part of office parties. You can turn the concept of food into an activity by hosting a pot luck snack bar, where everyone who comes to the party is requested to bring a homemade dessert or appetizer.

Another way to make food an exciting thing to do at a staff goodbye party is to use food for games, such as hosting a pie eating contest. Or, if the party falls around a particular holiday, use foods from that holiday to inspire contest ideas. For instance, parties around Halloween might have a bobbing for apples competition.
Time to Turn a Toast Into a Roast
A toast is an appropriate part of a coworker's goodbye celebration. However, you can make it more entertaining and fun farewell idea for employees by turning the toast into a roast. A roast gives coworkers the chance to embarrass the person leaving with humorous stories and jokes.
Roasts are all in good fun, and are not meant to be mean, nasty or insulting in any way. For planning purposes, have coworkers sign up to give a roast so that you know, in advance, how many people wish to say something to the honorary employee.
Create Forever Memories With an Office Photo Booth
Setting up a photo booth at a staff goodbye party gives coworkers a chance to get silly in front of the camera, and serves as a way for the person leaving to always remember the party and his office mates in a humorous light.

The photo booth should be set up in a corner of the room, with props provided for people to pose with. One person takes the picture while the other person -- or people -- do the posing. If you use a Polaroid camera, the coworkers can write their names on the backs of the pictures.