There's nothing like the bond between a father and his little girl. A father-daughter dance is an opportunity for fathers to escort their little girl to what is likely their very first dance. The daughters can to dress up in pretty dresses and fathers get to whirl their princess around the room. Entertainment at father-daughter dances also usually consist of some friendly-competition games between the attendees.
Daughter's Hands
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Have all of the little girls line up and place their hands out. The dads must be blindfolded and then must go down the line shaking each girls hands to figure out which one is his daughter. Dads who get it right win a special prize. This game usually evokes lots of stifled giggles from the girls.
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Favorite Things
Have the host call out questions to the dad about their daughter's favorite things. For instance they can ask, "What is your daughter's favorite color?" and "What is the name of your daughter's favorite stuffed animal?" The dads must write down all the answers. Then, the kids must write down their answers to the questions and see if their dad got it right. The dads with the highest number of questions correct wins.
Guess the Pair
For this game, each father and daughter pair is given gets a name tag taped to their bag of famous pairs such as Bonnie and Clyde and Batman and Robin, or more kid-friendly pairs such as Lilo & Stitch or Beauty and the Beast. Each father-daughter pair must go around the room asking questions of other guests to try to figure out what pair they are. This game helps allow other fathers and daughters to get to know each other.
Dance Contest
Have a dance instructor teach everyone a simple line dance. Then,they must perform the dance on their own. The instructor then goes around to determine which team has got it down the best. She will eliminate father-daughter teams by tapping them on the shoulder, and the last team left standing is the winner. You could also do a dance contest with freestyle dancing as well.