Many 95-year-old men have collections of gifts and other items that are packed away in storage or have long since been forgotten. For a personalized gift that he will cherish, consider the gift of a service or favor, or an item that reminds him of his family, friends or the things that he enjoyed in his younger years.
Audiobooks and Music Gifts
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For a man who has always enjoyed reading, consider finding a few of his favorite novels in large print or as audiobooks so that he can relive the stories he enjoyed. For a man who enjoys music more than any other form of entertainment make a CD of his favorite songs from the era in which he grew up or another memorable time in his life. Include any sentimental songs, such as the song that played at his wedding during his first dance with his wife or, when the gift giver is a family member, the song that he always sang to you during car trips.
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Coupon Book or Service Gift
For a man who has everything he could want or need, consider offering him a homemade coupon book full of favors. Fill the book with coupons of services that you can provide, such as a day's taxi service, house or apartment cleaning, a home-cooked dinner or a night out for dinner. For those with some hairdressing experience, include a coupon for his next haircut. For a man who still lives in his own home, consider adding coupons for services, such as lawn mowing, snow shoveling, garden pruning and hedge trimming.
Family Tree Gifts
For a man who has always adored his family, consider making or purchasing a family tree gift. Make a large framed family tree at home that includes his ancestry as far back as possible, as well as those most recent child additions. Alternatively, make a tree that begins with his generation and continues to the present. Use photos for each branch of the tree, if possible, or simply include the name in place of a photo. Have the chart framed for him to hang on his wall. Other family tree options include having the information printed onto a T-shirt or sweater.
Photo Gifts
Consider a variety of photo gifts to remind him of his past or present. Have a copy of his wedding photo transferred onto a mug, or have a picture taken of all of his grandchildren or great grandchildren and have the picture transferred onto a blanket to keep his loved ones close. For a gift giver who has a little bit of extra time on her hands, consider going through old photographs, beginning with his childhood and finding pictures that tell his life story. Include these pictures in a scrapbook for him.