When a family member or friend reaches his 70th birthday, it is a milestone that should be celebrated in a big way. A thoughtful speech can enhance the party experience and make the guest of honor feel important on his special day. A speech should focus on the person's personality, why he is appreciated and why reaching 70 is a big deal. The style of the speech should also correlate with the theme and tone of the party.
Personal Triumphs and Accomplishments
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Discuss the important milestones the person has reached in her 70 years of life. You should brush up on what she has done earlier in her life if you aren't sure. Ask members of her family or other friends for information that you may not be familiar with. Include information about her career, family life and perhaps educational background. However, accomplishments that the other guests might not have known about will win over big. She might have bowled a perfect game when she was 25, or was a contestant on a game show back in the 1960s.
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70 Reasons Why
After your introduction you can give 70 reasons why he is special. There are many ways to do a speech like this, such as getting other party guests involved by having each guest write one reason why the birthday person is special. The speaker can then say all of the things that the guests wrote down. For a more improvisational style, the speaker can go around the room and guests can shout out reasons.
If the birthday person is a good sport and you have a sense of humor, a roast-style speech may be a perfect fit for the party. Not to mention it will get a few laughs from the guests and the birthday person. Using her age is a good starting off point for a roast. To add personal touches, you can talk about things such as why she is a lousy cook, how she falls asleep at the movies or how stubborn she is.
Video Speech
A video speech may add a different twist to a traditional speech. The speech-giver can record his speech and then use video editing software to add photos of the birthday person from throughout his life. He can also interview family members and friends to enhance the speech.