Celebrating your boss's birthday gives you and the staff a chance to get to know your boss and have a little fun in the process. If you have a great boss, shower her with a little attention and a few cool gifts to let her know how much you appreciate her. With a boss turning 40, he's still young enough to enjoy happy hours and a little wild adventures, but old enough to appreciate celebrating like a sophisticated adult. Give your boss a little meet-in-the-middle by planning a few nice things to help him have a great day.
Birthday Lunch
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Get together with the staff to cart your boss off to his favorite lunch spot on his big day. Allow him to order his favorite meal and let someone pick up the tab for lunch. Getting out of the office as a team will be a nice change of scenery and a chance to have some quality time getting to know your boss better. Ask questions like what was his favorite birthday memory or what he likes best about celebrating birthdays.
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Oversized Card
Order an oversized birthday card and have everyone in the office sign it. Try to get a list of 40 things everyone likes about your boss by divvying up the list among the staff. The list can contain things like, "we love it when you let us come in late on Fridays," or more sarcastic entries like, "working more than 80 hours a week pleases us, and that's why we're happy you're our boss." Use different colored markers and pens to sign the card. Capture funny photos of the staff around the office with an instant camera and attach them to the card.
Gift that Keeps on Giving
Ask the staff to chip in a few dollars to get a nice gift. Send a hard-working boss away for the weekend to a spa resort or coffee-addicted boss a gift card to her favorite café. Organize a theme basket full of items that when paired together make a large gift that will excite. Grilling masters should get a barbecue themed basket with a new set of equipment and an apron.
Surprise, Surprise
Close up shop early and head out for a happy hour celebration for the occasion. Pool your money together to be sure that your boss doesn't have to foot the bill for anything for the evening. Plan an all-out party for the lucky birthday boss. The party can be at an employee's house or a neutral location with entertainment, such as a bowling alley or sports bar. Bring a few festive party favors, such as balloons, noise makers and hats, for the celebration.