Popular Company Party Prize Ideas

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Company parties tend to bring out the competitive streak in managers and their employees. Often times, games, raffles and trivia are set up in advance, so employees can compete against one another for a variety of prizes. Prizes do not have to be expensive, but the better the prize, the more motivated employees will be to compete and play hard.



Video of the Day

An easy way to award winners at a company party is to provide a cash incentive. Employees will appreciate receiving cash to spend as they please. For multiple prizes, make the cash prizes tiered.

Video of the Day

Gift Baskets

Create gift baskets for winners at company parties. You can come up with different themes and fill each basket accordingly. For example, one gift basket might be called "Hollywood Nights." Include popcorn, a gift certificate to the movies, and/or a comedy movie related to your business or industry. Another gift basket could be filled with bubble bath, shower gels, a loofah, and a bath pillow with a "Relax Yourself" theme.


Gift Cards

Gift cards to popular restaurants, coffee shops, book stores or other retail stores are great prizes. To avoid selecting gift cards employees won't use or enjoy as prizes, opt for gift cards that can be used anywhere. They're just as good as having cash.



Popular electronics like digital cameras, MP3 players, GPS systems and DVD players are great party prize ideas for company parties. If your prize budget is sizable, consider gifts prizes like laptops, televisions and camcorders.


Hotel Stay

Provide a one-night stay at a local hotel as a company party prize. Select a special spa package that offers a massage along with the overnight accommodations. Employees with significant others will especially appreciate this gift.


Offer an extra vacation day or paid time off to prize winners. Providing employees with an extra day to spend with their family, run errands or simply relax is an attractive deal that encourages participation in events at the company party.



Order small boxes of chocolate from a local candy store and distribute them as company party prizes. Customize the chocolates with the company logo or tag line.

Certificates or Trophies

A simple, cost-effective party prize is to provide winners with certificates that acknowledge their victory. While a certificate may not evoke the same excitement as money or paid time-off, it's a token of thanks and appreciation for participating. Trophies, which can be personalized with event details and the winners' names, are another option for popular company party prize ideas


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