Traditional 40th Birthday Gifts

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Turning 40 is one of the milestone birthdays in your life, some view it as roughly the midpoint of life. Life often has a certain established routine, at this juncture, filled with regular activities and habits. Traditional gifts for a 40th birthday often are geared toward these activities as well as provide the opportunity for the recipient to reflect on what has transpired in his life to date.



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By the time people turn 40, they often have favorite hobbies that they enjoy. For the golfer, a box of high-quality golf balls or coupons for greens fees at a favorite course are always welcome. For larger budgets, a stay-and-play golf package at a "dream" golf resort is another idea. For the bowler, a new ball presented in a monogrammed ball bag is a good choice. New gear for the motorcycle enthusiast like a helmet or leather riding jacket also could be a big hit.

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Photo Collage

Parents who are turning 40 might have children who are approaching or are in the the midst of their teenage years. A photo collage of the children from the early years until the present would be a welcome gift for virtually any parent and can be enjoyed long after the children leave the household. The collage can be professionally arranged, with examples including the photos being shaped to form a large number 40 and placed in a frame. The collage can can also include photos of other close family members like spouses and siblings.


Night Out

Some who turn 40 are quite happy not to receive merchandise as a gift. Instead, they may be perfectly content to receive a night out. This can be a welcome respite from kids, jobs and the everyday grind. The evening can start with dinner at a favorite restaurant followed by a movie or show. Forty is also a time when old friends that haven't seen each other in some time can get together to celebrate a birthday, which could involve an evening at a nightclub or bar. Co-workers are also known to arrange for a night out after work.

