65th Birthday Ideas for Women

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Many woman look forward to celebrating their 65 birthdays.
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Many people plan elaborate parties to commemorate 65th birthdays. For some, this milestone signifies retirement, senior discounts and the beginning of the golden years. For others, it simply means old age. There are many 65th birthday themes, from comedic parties to thoughtful celebrations. When planning this event for a woman, keeping the focus on the sentimental aspects usually goes over better than the "Over the Hill" theme.


1950s Theme

Video of the Day

Old fashioned drinks like gin and tonics
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The 1950s is a popular theme that is easy to do and celebrates her adolescence period. Guests dress up in 1950s costumes, such as poodle skirts, letterman jackets, bobby socks and saddle shoes. The music typically consists of oldies by Buddy Holly, Elvis and dances like the twist. You can hire a DJ or compile a song list on an MP3 player or CD beforehand to cut costs.

Video of the Day

Drinks such as gin and tonics, Tom Collins, whiskey sours or milkshakes can be served, alongside hamburgers, hot dogs and old-fashioned cheese balls. You may hire a professional photographer or pass out disposable cameras to guests to capture the party highlights in photos or video. This type of themed event can be fun for a large party and a woman who enjoys dancing and socializing.


Memory Lane

Use a video slideshow as a path down memory lane
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Some women prefer more thoughtful, emotion-filled parties for their 65th birthdays. One way to do this is to put together a slideshow or presentation of old movies and photos with the guest of honor's favorite songs in the background. Some people film friends and family talking about their favorite memories with the birthday gal. These types of presentations can be a part of an outdoor barbecue party with balloons and cake, as well at an elegant formal dinner party.


Favorite Hobby Theme

Try a favorite hobby theme, like golf
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Many milestone parties are planned around the birthday guest of honor's favorite activities or hobbies. For example, if the woman turning 65 is retiring and looking forward to spending her senior years hitting the golf course, the party can have a golf theme. If the woman is an avid gardener, the party can be a garden tea party, complete with tea sandwiches, tea and coffee and croquet. The key is to focus on what she is looks forward to, not remind her of past times or getting older.


Relaxation Theme

Relaxation Theme
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When money is no object, some women plan vacation getaways with their closest friends for 65th birthday celebrations. Popular destinations are Caribbean Sea spa resorts or Alaskan cruises. If traveling is not an option, consider planning a day of indulgence for the woman, such as an elaborate brunch followed by a massage or facial. Celebrating her femininity, as well as aging gracefully, makes many 65-year-old women very happy.

