Adult Scavenger Hunt Party Ideas

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Scavenger hunts help adults get to know each other at parties.

Scavenger hunt parties allow large groups of people to get to know each other. Scrambling the teams can help new friendships form. These parties work well for large groups, such as church groups or a reunion. Adults have more mobility when planning scavenger hunts and you should have rules about whether or not they can break into groups to find the items on the list as well as a time limit for when they should return.


Photo Scavenger Hunt

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A photo scavenger hunt has the group collect photographs for the scavenger hunt instead of items. You may list specific locations around the city where you want the photos taken that include landmarks or statues that you want in the picture. You could also list random items that participants need to be photographed next to or holding such as yesterday's newspaper, a fruit basket or an item of clothing. Be specific and creative in your list.

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Scavenger Hunt with Clues

Create a series of locations and clues for the teams to use. The teams should hit each of the different locations in a different order, so that they do not follow each other around. Give each team the clue envelope that they must trade at their first location to get the next clue. An alternative to that is to have a sheet that must be stamped at each location to prove they visited it. They will work their way through the clues to figure out each new location and item before returning back to the starting point. To make it easier for the people manning the stations, color coordinate the envelopes per team so that each team gets the envelope that matches their team color.The first one back wins.


Item Scavenger Hunt

An item scavenger hunt can be done in your neighborhood or in a location such as a mall. Create a list of items that the teams will need to find. Assign each item on the list a point value, depending on the difficulty of finding the item. For example a napkin could be five points, while a coin with a specific year on it may be worth 50 points. If you are doing the scavenger hunt in the mall then include items you can find in the mall, such as samples, a shopping bag from a store, a business card and a dropped receipt. If it is in a neighborhood in the suburbs, then stick to household items.

